Friday, June 13, 2008

Shirley Manson (maybe) goes solo, (definitely) heads to TV

Garbage lead singer Shirley Manson is possibly working on a solo album, as well as expanding her acting career.

According to Entertainment Weekly, the Scot will be on the second season of Sarah Connor: the Terminator Chronicles, a show I made it through about 15 minutes of before giving up on. Manson has done some modeling, but her only other credited acting work is a part in the Terrence Howard movie "ItW," which comes out later this year.

This may be a substitute for a solo album and tour, as the Scotsman reported in April that Manson's record label wasn't happy with the record she turned in (calling it too "noir"). As Idolator correctly points out, hasn't Garbage's entire career basically been "noir"?

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